Women can face a number of societal pressures and issues that can make dealing with mental health issues more complicated. Among a wide array of issues impacting women, depression is one of the leading reasons women seek medical help. While it’s not known for sure, higher rates of depression in women than men may be linked to biological and social differences.
El Paso Behavioral Health System offers a women’s crisis center for women who are in need of acute stabilization and an intensive level of care in a setting that considers their unique needs. Our program can help women dealing with a wide range of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, compulsive disorders, personality disorders, post-traumatic stress and more. Our women’s inpatient unit may also be helpful to women with a history of trauma.
Inpatient treatment offers availability of our medical staff at all times to assist with any complications that may arise. These mental health professionals are there to ensure the physician and the rest of the treatment team have the best understanding of how each patient is functioning and making progress on their treatment goals.
Our women’s-only setting allows for a secure, nurturing environment, giving women the chance to process intimate and highly personal issues. The clinical staff of our women’s clinic in El Paso, Texas, has experience addressing women’s specific needs, including biological, hormonal, psychological and social factors that increase women’s susceptibility to trauma and mental health disorders.
We believe that gender-specific therapy groups are helpful for establishing open communication, gaining peer support, and encouraging healing from past and current difficulties. The all-female clinical staff help promote a treatment environment focused on support, empowerment and strength.
Motherhood, childrearing and pregnancy can bring about a number of behavioral health issues for women. As the body starts to go through changes physically and mentally, women sometimes find themselves with no one to talk to for their issues. Our program provides specialized care for women who need help as they deal with being a new mom, as they struggle with fertility issues or as they overcome the loss of a baby.
Our women’s crisis center allows women to openly discuss and get treatment for mental health issues brought on by reproductive difficulties. Our patients are dealing with various issues unique to women, including, but not limited to, loss of a pregnancy, postpartum depression, psychosis, breastfeeding, infertility, and menopause. Our staff helps to promote a warm, receptive environment for women to seek restoration and support through these difficult times.
Inpatient Medical Director – Arthur Ramirez, MD; Fred Arrellano, DNP
Inpatient Program Manager – Cynthia Torres, LPC-Intern, CCTP
Inpatient Nurse Manager – Ana Solis, RN
El Paso Behavioral Health is a psychiatric hospital specializing in mental health and chemical dependency treatment, as well as specialized military mental health treatment. If you or a loved one is struggling with behavioral health or substance use issues help is here.
We cannot offer a diagnosis, counseling or recommendations online, however, our professional staff offer 24/7 assessments at no cost. Don’t wait. Begin a healthier future with us today. Call 915-544-4000 for a no-cost, confidential assessment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Se habla español.